Firstly, when you see that your grandchild is in danger from the choices their parents are making, you might need to step in. You will immediately need to keep a log of all behaviors and events that occur. Secondly, If CPS is called, there will be a risk of the child getting placed in foster care. This can be a very tricky time, because one of the parents is your child, and that comes with its own string of issues. There are options, first, you need to get the child in your care, however, you can make that happen, and then you will need to seek guardianship.

Visit our page for a step by step guide on how to pursue Guardianship

State By State Resouces:

A resource for family members stepping in to assist the child needing help

In Addition, go to your county’s website and look up a guardianship. Most counties will have a help center to assist you with the paperwork. Arrive before the self-help center opens to wait in line. It is worth the wait, to get you through all of the necessary paperwork. If you don’t have your grandchild’s birth certificate you will need to get it prior to starting the paperwork. As a grandparent, you can legally obtain the birth certificate online.

For people who have grandchildren with special needs, you will find resources here:

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